Sunday, August 28, 2016

A Poor Education?

Today's #RPGaDay2016 prompt is: what film/novel would you be most surprised a friend had not seen/read?

The only possible answer is Star Wars, because at this point I would wonder how they managed to avoid it. It's freakin' everywhere! It takes a special kind of bloody-mindedness to avoid a popular, long-running franchise that also has the marketing juggernaut of Disney behind it.

While I would be surprised, I wouldn't necessarily care all that much or be offended or anything like that. I mean, you do you. However, when people are inexplicably proud of avoiding something just because it's popular--that's annoying. Like all those memes on facebook that go "I haven't seen a single episode of Game of Thrones. HATERS GONNA HATE" or "Pokemon Go? I am an adult with a job and life!" Ok good for you I guess. Well done on avoiding a cultural touchstone? It's one thing to just not have got round to it or have no interest at all, but actively avoiding and then bragging is different.

By the way, here's some things that -I- haven't seen that might surprise my friends:

Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Fight Club
anything by H.P. Lovecraft
the Exorcist
Stephen King's fiction
the Shining
Neil Gaiman's fiction
the Lord of the Rings books
the Earthsea trilogy
the Game of Thrones books
Isaac Asimov's fiction
Ender's Game
either of the good Terminators
2001: A Space Oddysey (neither the film nor the book)
and I tried Neuromancer but stopped because I didn't like it.

I used to feel ashamed of not having experienced these things (thanks mostly to assholes that post memes like the ones I mention above). But really, who cares? I know the plot and tropes and cool scenes from many of them, thanks to the roiling vortex of pop culture knowledge and shared references. Hell, I even -own- a lot of these and just haven't got round to them. There's SO MUCH good stuff out there that, actually, I'd be surprised if someone HAD seen every piece of culture available. There's always more to discover!

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